Picture of myself at Apple Park, with the iconic rainbow in the background.

Hello there! I'm Gaetano. 👋🏻

I started building apps for Apple platforms in 2017 and have never stopped since.

I've worked as a software engineer at companies like Telepass, where I mostly focused on building features, maintaining design systems, and optimizing the developer experience. In my spare time, I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, and reading books.

You can check out some of the things I do on the side below. 👇🏻



  • Swift Design Tokens

    A tool to translate Design Tokens into Swift source code.
  • Sparkle

    A framework for creating statically generated websites in Swift without a single line of HTML or CSS. ✨
  • Mocka

    A tool for mocking URL requests on a local server, written in SwiftUI and powered by Vapor. Mocka is open source and is brought to you by the Telepass Digital iOS Team. 🚀
  • BottomSheet

    An interactive Bottom Sheet component for UIKit.


  • Modern Collection Views by Example

    An overview of the latest advancements of the Collection View APIs released in iOS 13 and iOS 14. We look at the Diffable Data Source and Compositional Layout APIs by recreating some famous examples, such as the App Store or Apple Music layout and a custom layout inspired by our apps at Telepass.